Keep your social channels alive — the easiest way to find update ideas in the summer

Sami Kuusela
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2018


Here’s how to find guaranteed hit ideas for your summer updates.

When everyone shouts, no one remembers the quiet ones. Underhood’s analysis confirms that social stars work hard. A daily update per channel is a minimum according to our statistics.

How is it possible to be that active, when people are on holidays and nothing seems to happen?

Don’t worry. Just log in to our Dashboard tool, make a few listings and you have endless ideas for updates and shares. Our Dashboard has a 2-week free trial, so here is your magic trick to survive the summer as a social media manager.

Here’s what to do

  1. Log in to Underhood with you Facebook account
  2. On the top menu, click on Dashboard
  3. Choose your own brand
  1. Create ranking lists. Underhood is great for competitor monitoring, but you can also add as many content providers (media etc.) as you wish to your lists. Underhood’s Dashboard shows the best performing updates from all the brands you’ve listed and gives you ideas and successful stuff to share. Here is a screencap from my “Meme factories” list as an example. You can find links to this and some other lists in the end of this article.
  1. Share, copy and comment the best updates on your lists and excite your audience

It is much more effective to share stuff that’s already proven popular than figure ideas from the scratch. Learning is fast and fun when the flow of good examples has no end.

Here is some lists to get you started. Just click on links and add these to your Dashboard. So convenient, don’t you agree.

Star marketers
Meme factories

An interesting thing about the airlines listing is that United’s request to U.S. government not to fly separated immigrant children on our aircraft is the most engaging update during the last 30 days. It pays to take an ethical stand!

So, have a great summer and remember to share the list you make!

