Secrets revealed: What really works on social media

Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2017


What really works on social media? In our upcoming blog series, Underhood’s team will answer any questions you have on the subject, and all that we say is based on our data from thousands of brands, collected daily.

We don’t guess. We measure.

Millions of businesses, politicians and brands are struggling with basic questions when it comes to the new social web. No one seems to know how to make the most of their audiences.

Here are some questions we are asked daily:

  • What is a good amount of followers in our industry?
  • How often should we post to different channels?
  • Do we need to make videos?
  • Does our audience prefer long or short texts?
  • Hashtags — are they necessary?
  • How do we make a viral post?

So far, most of the advice on offer has come from consultants whose quality varies, to put it politely. Some are good, but too often their “truths” are generalised guesses based on limited experience and personal biases.

Some consultants are good but too often their “truths” are generalised guesses.

Now it’s time to look at actual data. We know what works and what does not. Underhood collects Facebook, Twitter, and website data from thousands of companies, brands, organisations, politicians and personal brands. We do this every single day and analyse it automatically. We can see who’s doing the right things, and what those things are.

So this is the first of a series of articles where we will answer your questions. Feel free to ask about anything that has been bothering you about the social web.

Ask anything!

Why do we do this?

  1. We want to improve our Audit reports. Our clients deserve the best possible analysis and action tips. In our Audit reports we analyse social media channels, create a competition analysis, and at the end we give five concrete tips showing that client how to rise above the others with minimum effort and maximum effect. All our advice is personalised and strictly based on relevant data.
  2. We want to improve our algorithms. The most significant findings will be included in our daily analysis and scores.
  3. We will prove that we are the most easy-to-understand and efficient social media consultancy service in the world.

But isn’t it silly to give away all this information for free? Well, as most brands around the globe are lost with social media, they need all the help they can get. After learning the basics, they might ask us to help them with more personalised analyses and tips.

Most brands around the globe are lost with social media.

So, go ahead. Please ask us anything you like. We will dig the data and find the truths!

And by the way: we will be giving away

  • An Underhood hoodie (see the photo underneath)
  • 3 Underhood t-shirts
  • 5 Underhood Premium plans for 3 months
Co-Founder Sami with Underhood hoodie at our headquarters

Please go to our Facebook page to join the discussion, or comment below this post. The winners will be picked randomly from among all those who ask us something.


Underhood is a service that measures the reputation of companies, brands and organisations on the Internet automatically. At Underhood, everyone sees each other’s reputation ratings, and companies can develop their own communications on the basis of the reports. Underhood works closely with the academic community.

Check your own reputation:

